The Extraterrestrial Life | Biggest controversy of human civilization - Nations Story

 The Extraterrestrial Life | Do Aliens Exist?

The Extraterrestrial Life

As we all have some urge to know about life forms that exists outside Earth, here a detail analysis of what is the government hiding from us along with theory and stories related to extraterrestrial life. 

Introduction to Extraterrestrial Life:

Extraterrestrial life or alien is defined as life that did not originated from Earth or the life that comes from outer space. These hypothetical forms of life ranges from simple bacteria like organisms to beings far more complex than humans. Many scientists have considered extraterrestrial life to be something that posses various arguments yet seeming to be possible, but there is no direct evidence of its existence.

Probabilities of Extraterrestrial Life In Outer Space:

Since the mid-20th century,its been seen that there has been an ongoing search for signs of aliens life, from from all potentially gadgets like radios which is used to detect possible extraterrestrial signals, advanced telescopes used to search for potentially habitable zones for existence of life form in outer space. There are some argument, made by scientists such as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, it would be untrue for life not to exist somewhere other than,the planet Earth. This argument is embodied in the Copernican Principle, which states that the Earth does not occupy a unique position in the Universe and the mediocrity principle, which holds that there is nothing special about life on earth. Life may have developed or emerged independently at many places through out the Universe. There are some planets and satellites in which scientists have suggested that there might life have developed. They include -
1. Venus
2. Mars
3. Jupiter's moon Europa
4. Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus
Life on Mars has been long speculated. Its expected that Liquid water used to exist in the past in mars, and there may still be liquid water underground. Jupiter's moon Europa has been subject to speculation about the existence of life due to strong possibility of liquid water beneath and ice layer. In May 2011, NASA scientists reported that Enceladus is emerging as the most habitable spot beyond Earth in the Solar System for life. No widely accepted evidence of extraterrestrial life has been found yet, however various controversial claims have been made on the extraterrestrial life.

Projects For Alien Evidences or Extraterrestrial Life :

Project such as SETI are conducting an astronomical search for radio activity which would confirm the presence of intelligent life or the alien life in the outer space. Its being also said and suggested that aliens might broadcast pulsed and continuous laser signals in the optical as well as infrared, spectrum, laser signals have the advantage of smearing in the interstellar medium, and may prove more conductive to communication and share the message between the stars. In 15th August, 1977, a strong narrow band radio signal was detected by Jerry R. Ehman while he was working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of Ohio State University which lasted for full 72 seconds but has not been detected again. Ehman has doubts that the signal was of intelligent extraterrestrial origin. This signal was named 'Wow' signals by him which remained a subject of speculative debate.
The Extraterrestrial Life

Beliefs of People on Extraterrestrial Life:

Many people believe that some unidentified flying objects of alien origin exist along with claimed certain incidents of alien abduction, but these were dismissed by most scientists. Most UFO sightings are explained either as sightings of Earth-based aircraft or known as astronomical objects. In November 2011, the White House released an official response to two petitions asking the US government to acknowledge formally that aliens have visited Earth and to disclose any intentional withholding of government interactions with extraterrestrial beings. But the response from the US government was negative and said that there is no evidence that any life exists outside our planet and no information is hidden from public's eye. Some scientists also believe that canals on Mars are built by some long lost civilization. Many people believe that aliens come to visit human beings of Earth frequently to experience and experiment on various matters . Its also in peoples mouth  or  believed is that, aliens from other planets have crashed on Earth in Roswell, USA. The bodies of the aliens and the spacecraft have been secretly examined in a place in Nevada, USA, known as Area 51, and The US government has acquired advanced weapon and space travel from them and  trying to work on the advancement of various artillery and space science as well after getting knowledge from the extraterrestrial life.

True Story of Alien Abduction:

Many claims of alien abductions were rejected by some scientists, but there are more than two to three stories of such incident which can be considered true. One of the noted true stories was of a girl named Tammy Stone was that at the age of 24; she underwent an alien abduction experience in early March 1973 near Waco, Texas. The story began when stone had completed her late-night shift as waitress in a diner situation approximately 30 miles outside of Waco On a lonely stretch road after having driven for no more than about 15 minutes, Stone began to feel strange ; like she had drugged or was in a dream."In the dream, 1 would always see these two small figures coming to my car, and my engine and lights going off,"she says. As the beings got ever closer,Stone could see that both were around five feet in height, possessed " thin faces and cheeks,"and were attired in light-blue, one-piece' uniforms', and tight-fitting caps.
The two entities then 'dragged' her out of the vehicle and proceeded to carry her by her ankles and wrists to the craft. Alarmingly,Stone recalled that some sort of cold, metallic device was placed into her right nostril and removed after a few minutes. As this distressing activity was occurring, says Stone, "a small machine hovered over me like a big eye, and made a humming noise that made me feel very sick." Her next recollection was of being,carried back to the car and placed into the passenger seat. The bizarre encounter was over the aliens were gone.
There are many such stories but the question is - " Are these stories true ? "
NASA is still working on finding extraterrestrial life form with its advanced telescopes in the outer space.

Conclusion :

This biggest controversy is still unsolved as different scientists have different views of this very subject still in the 21st century we are unable to find any valid answer for the ancient dispute. Ancient scholars and philosophers stated that life for human beings was possible as aliens created human beings and left Earth. Others believe that ancient buildings, such as Pyramids of Giza (Egypt), Khajuraho temple (India), Chicken Itza (Mexico) etc. are buildings from where aliens used to get energy for their spaceships. These all evidences are written in ancient scriptures of different religions which made our past very complex to understand. So, it' upon us to decide whether the extraterrestrial beings exist or not until we encounter them by our own eyes.

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