Friendship Day | How Important are friends ? | Who are friends ? - Nations Story

Friendship Day | A day to cherish 

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When is Friendship Day Celebrated ?  

Every year Friendship Day is celebrated as an annual festival in 4th of August since 1958 as "International Friendship Day"

Who is a Friend ?

A friend is someone who understands our past, believes in our future and accepts us just the way we are. They are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. In this world where the struggle for existence seems to be the rule of life ; there friendship is a great boon to mankind. They are the companions of our joy and sorrow, They are also our guides who helps us in making our decisions, no matter how crucial they are ! Where many people will walk in and out of our life, there only true friends will leave footprints in our heart.
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How valuable is someones Friendship ?

The value of true friendship is immense. They play the most vital and precious role in our life. Moreover, they are reckoned to be the masterpiece of nature. Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. They are the only one who brings the best in us. Moreover life is partly what we make and partly what it is by the friends we choose.
There are people who simply come to our life only to fulfill their personal interests. Such friends leave us at the time of our need. They play the role of "fair-weather-friends" because like spring birds they flock around us in times of prosperity, In our difficult times those friends would be nowhere around us.
There is a saying that "a friend in need is a friend indeed'.In our most dejected moments,we would look forward to somebody for solace. And it is a friend only who would come along to share our dejection. We can always tell a real friend when we have made a mistake or a fool of ourselves. Moreover, they become like our diary with whom we share all our feelings, tell all our secrets and also those things that we can't even share or tell to our parents, we tell it to our friends.
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 True Friendship is an Asset:

Friendship is never established as an understood relation. It is a miracle which requires constant proofs. It is an exercise of the purest imagination and of the rarest faith. A friend is someone who, upon seeing another friend in immense pain, would rather be the one experiencing the pain than to have to watch their friend's suffer.
In this world, though we have abundant of property, lots of people surrounding us, but no one among them can ever take the place of a true friend. No one, in this world can ever think of a life without friends. They become like a part of our body which we cannot even think of loosing.
We all make friends in different stages of our life. The most memorable and precious moments of my life were the 18 years that I had spent in my school and college. Those days were the best days of my life. I met lots of friends. I used to fight with my friends but always enjoyed their company and every moment of togetherness. Moreover when we were punished, we never felt that we were getting punishments,rather we made those moments too ; an unforgettable moment of our life. And the best part of our friendship is, when we use to give nick names to our own friends.
Many of us had also experienced the pain, the grief of losing close friends forever. The pain that no one in this world, would ever want to experience in their life.

After passing out from schools, colleges, we all choose different paths. We make new friends become busy, building our future. Time passes, we all grow, we all become busy in our own life, settle in different places, but the bonding that we had created in between us will never end till the last day of our life. We all are connected and will be connected to each other, some or the other way, because true friendship never dies.
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At the end I will love here from my readers about your views on Friendship and Friendship day. What are the things that to like about friendship.It will be awesome If you share your words in the comment section below and don't forget to Subscribe to get notified whenever we come up with new article.                                                       


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