International Women's Day Facts and Quotes that you didn't knew ?

International Women's Day Facts and Quotes

International Women's Day Facts and Quotes

Introduction to International Women's Day:

International Women's Day is an annual observation which is seen on March 8th that celebrates International Women's Day, their achievements and contributions.
Women's are considered as one of the divine creation of God. And it is not at all easy being one as JOSEPH CONRAD once said " Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists proncipally in dealing with men".
Knowing that women's can't be everything all the time is tricky sometimes, Women's often hold the weight of huge expectations on a regular basis which is quite overwhelming but it should also be noted that self care is foremost. Knowing when to stop and pause is the key because your emotional , physical and mental health is way more important and you should never neglect it. WAIT I repeat WAIT and take a moment to embrace all your powers and grace and redirect all that time as well as attention into you. Yes, You really deserve it.

How did International Women's Day came into existence ?

It was the time when movement of women's rights were going on in the society. One of the party of USA known as Socialist party decided to organize a Women's Day, which was probably done on 28th of February in the late 20th century in 1909 in New York.
Later In 1910 the International Socialist Women's Conference suggested to celebrate a Women's Day annually. Then the time came when United Nations gave the approval of adoption in 1975 as 8 March to be celebrated as International Women's Day. This day is observed as holiday in some of the country's of the world and some countries celebrate the womanhood and there contribution to the society.
International Women's Day Facts and Quotes
"Dear Women,Every Great dream begins with the dreamer.Always remember,you have within you the strength,the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world, chase your dreams, follow your passion" 

International Women's Day Quotes

  • "Behind Every strong Woman is another Woman" 
  • "Empowered Women Empower women" 
  • "Clothers aren't going to change the world, the women who wear them will" 
  • "Behind every strong independent women stands a little girl, who had to learn to stand up for herself without depending on others" 
  •  "There is no Force Equal to that of a determined women" 
  • "A Women's place is in the Revolution"
  •  "You would think that we were made from thunder, the way we women can make the Earth shake" 
  • "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me"
  •  "She  was unstoppable, not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them"
A message to all Inspirational women's because March is International Women’s month. Here’s a reminder to all the girls out there.
Never forget
• 1/3 women in this world are victims of emotional or physical abuse
Never forget
• Women still get paid less than men for the same hours, the same work and the same timings
Never forget
• Women are still trafficked into forced labor and sex slavery
Never forget
• US has NEVER had a woman president despite the 50.8% population being female
Never forget
• A woman changes her name after marriage but a man doesn't 
What is her identity? Who is she?
Never forget
• A pregnant woman is still being discriminated in her workplace
Never forget
• Women are still undergoing female genital mutilation. I have delivered one and whatever was left of her female parts was ripped open after the delivery.
International Women's Day Facts and Quotes
Theme of International Women's Day 2019 

Importance of Celebrating International Women's Day ?

Every Home,Every Heart,Every Feeling,Every Moment of happiness is incomplete without women's,only they can complete this World. Its a day when entire world comes together and celebrates the day for Women's.
This year i.e.2019, the campaign theme of International Women's Day is #BalanceforBetter- A balanced world is a better world. Its a day to celebrate women's achievements, to raise awareness for them from all the bias that is existing in the Society and also to take action for equality. The women's and girls should be seen and given there right to. "think equal, build equal, innovate to change"
It helps in creating awareness in the society for the underemployment and unemployment that they are going through and this will also help in the inspiration of others.
International Women's Day Facts and Quotes

Is International Women's Day celebrated to empower women's ?

No , the International Women's Day is not celebrated to empower women they are already empowered with all the strengths they are the "Shakti". Its the society which should take the responsibility to give them there rights which they deserve and not to hinder them in respect to other gender. The women's and girls are not less in doing any of the activities. They have started competing with the world and showcasing there caliber. In Hindi I would say "Ab Sari Duneya Unka Loha Maan Raha Hai" i.e. the entire world is accepting there caliber, they are best in every fields. The Empowerment of women's and girls is a very important task and every one should contribute to it.

Where does Women's stand now in the Society ?

The women's of today in the society are seen creating a great difference.
1. There is a change in the mind set of people regarding women's and it's good to see and experience the environment of equality.
2. The women's have started competing with the other genders equally. They have started to show there caliber in certain field. Its seen that they are doing much better in some fields than the other genders.
3. The women's have started working, building up there career and earning there living
4. The women's are now seen working in offices, grabbing the opportunities to help the country to empower and contribute to the economy of the country.
5. The women's has stated a greater example of self empowerment that if they are given a chance they also can achieve anything and everything.
6. The women's are no more seen or kept in the houses only to cook food and nurser the children, along with it they also seen working on there dreams and goals.
International Women's Day Facts and Quotes

What is the Government, Corporates and Global bodies doing for Women's ?

The Government, Corporates and Global bodies have started to work for the women's and girls of the society. There are various International NGOs which has started to help women's, corporates has started to provide scholarships to girls. The government has came out with various schemes like "Beti Bachao and Beti Parhao" to encourage girl child education and upbringing . In order to bring women's and girls ahead in the eyes of society every of global bodies and UN have made various rules and regulations for non discrimination of women's and girls because of there genders. The gender equality is something that concentrated on.
International Women's Day Facts and Quotes
Mother and Daughter 

Why has the need for #MeToo movement arisen ?

Its a shame for the other gender of the society, that being the stronger one, they couldn't manage to stand for women's and girl's rights. So, now womens's and girls have to come out of there houses to inform the world, about the discrimination, rapes, social injustice, acid attacks etc. they are dealing with every day. As there is no one taking there stand, they have came out for there rights.
International women's Day

At last I will love to hear from my readers to share there experiences and words on
"International Women's Day" and how are they going to celebrate this day in the comment section below. Don't forget to click the Subscribe button and give your email and complete the process to never miss an update and don't forget to SHARE.

   An Article  By Nations Story 


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