Evil in Dreams | The Dream Tree | Why one should have dreams ? - Nations Story

The Evil in dreams | The Dream Tree

Amazingly Captured | Sleeping Mode 

Hey, this is me !
Well not truly the real 'me' though have been possessed,controlled and tied up by something. I can neither see it,nor hear it, nor touch it but I always feel it. It pains me, so hard and so terribly. All I want is to break free from its clutches, get back the real 'me' and fly higher and higher forever.
Well, you might be wondering, what this evil 'something' actually is. It is not as ugly as the villains of the super hero movies, but yes, it is frightening. This evil something is within each of us in equal amounts. But, in some it manages to spread, with different seeds though, but once it does we get lost somewhere. Oh! let me not extend this 'something' description so much and make this a boring piece. In just one word this 'something'' is our fears, fears of losing our so dear dreams.

Dreams are Important:

As a child I had millions of dreams and almost each day a new one was born. At that time my fear was nowhere present. Then, gradually some of these million, dreams were forgotten and few developed. In my early teenage days, this dreams grew stronger and some new ones joined them but they were quite different from the earlier ones, yet reasonable. It was then when the bud of fear was starting to bloom. As years passed by my dreams suffered many blows. In the beginning they were not ready to bow down but subsequent blows over the years weakened it and made the 'fear flower' grow stronger. Now, when I am standing in my last teen years,my 'dream tree' has become fragile and 'fear flower' is in its full bloom. My dreams have given up and fear has triumphed.
Dreams are Important

"But hey don't be sad. Its not the end of the world." A voice quite familiar to me said, "Your dreams are a lot stronger than your fears. All you need to do is nourish them. Feed them your determination, pour out your perseverance, and give them the light of your knowledge''. And as I did so, my 'dream tree' sure did rejuvenate. It became stronger and mightier than ever. The 'fear flower' seemed like a tiny ant in front of it. The smell and beauty of my 'dream tree' was so wonderful that 'fear flower' was soon forgotten. Actually it vanished and today my 'dream tree' stands taller than everything else with more and more dreams spurting on it, as its new leaves. It sure does shed its leaves in winter but that's only to get stronger and more beautiful leaves. Its strength freed me from the chains of fear, I found back the real 'me' and I can even see my two little wings growing. I am confident, that a time will come when these wings will develop fully and I will fly as high as I would like to.
And yes, let me tell you that the familiar voice which I had heard was none other than 'me', the long lost 'me' who knew that -
" Dreams are important. Someday when we are not even looking, for it will find us".
At last I will love to hear from my readers what do they have to say about dreams they have in the comment section below, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE among your friends and in Social Media.


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